If your business relies upon computers to function, then you’ll know how irritating (and costly) it can be if your computer crashes. Whilst you may have automatic updates installed and your work may be automatically backed up to the Cloud to prevent any data losses, a malfunctioning computer can cause significant downtime and prevent you from working as effectively as you could be.

But what causes your computer to crash in the first place?

We share some of the common reasons why you may be impacted by technical issues and we explain how you know when it could be the right time to upgrade your IT infrastructure.

blog graphic outlining some of the reasons why a computer may crash. As external IT support services, Lucid Systems can aid businesses in Suffolk with their IT infrastructure

Software error

If you have noticed that your computer is starting to crash on a semi-regular basis then you should consider if it is happening when you are using the same application. If so, there may be an issue with a particular piece of software.

It’s important to ensure that any software or operating systems are always updated with the latest updates and patch fixes. This is because manufacturers will continually release new updates to ensure that any glitches or bugs are fixed and that there are no weaknesses that may be targeted by hackers.

At Lucid Systems, our experienced helpdesk team will resolve any technical issues you may be having as a result of software failures. We can look into any known issues and ensure that you have the latest software installed on your computer.

Hard drive error

Hard drive issues are a common reason why your computer may be crashing. If your storage (either internal or external hard drives) is starting to malfunction, then it’s important to make sure that you’ve taken the steps to back up all of your data.

If your computer is freezing when you try to open a file or folder, it can be a sign that there is a corrupted or damaged area on your hard drive. Another sign that your computer is being affected by hard drive issues is if you can start to hear clicking noises, or other irregular sounds. These could indicate that the mechanics of your hard drive are starting to fail.


It may surprise you to know that computers and laptops are extremely sensitive to temperatures. As you use your computer, it will continuously generate heat. It’s why laptops and PCs have vents that allow for airflow to prevent the device from overheating.

All computers will have a fan as part of its central processing unit (CPU). This fan is designed to keep the computer cool, but if it wears out then your computer could become dangerously hot and automatically shutdown as a failsafe measure.

An easy way to prevent this from happening is to keep your computer and your working space clean and free from dust. Try to ensure that there is plenty of ventilation around your laptop and make sure that it’s not positioned on your lap or on a blanket which can increase the build-up of heat.

Not enough memory

Memory issues are another common reason why your computer may crash. When you first get a new computer, it may feel that you have more than enough memory – but everyday use can quickly result in a build-up of temporary files which can reduce your computer’s ability to work effectively.

If there’s not enough memory space available, the computer may find it difficult to have enough space to run your chosen applications.

If we suspect that your computer is crashing as a result of memory problems, our team of engineers can run a clean-up programme to remove any unwanted files or see if the addition of more RAM will help resolve the issue.

Malicious software

We may all think that we’re doing what we can to stay safe online, but you may be surprised to learn how often computer crashes are caused by malicious software that has been inadvertently installed without us knowing.

Malware and viruses can change the settings in your computers and can cause significant problems if your individual computer is part of a wider network. It’s why it’s so important to ensure that your staff are vigilant to any potential security breaches and that they know how to spot the signs of a phishing scam.

A lot of the work that we do is about improving resilience to online threats. We ensure that your IT systems are continually monitored and updated with the latest security fixes and software updates. We can also proactively check that your entire IT infrastructure is strong and that any weaknesses are spotted and rectified before you are a victim of cyber crime.

Is it the right time to upgrade your IT equipment?

How do you know when it's the right time to upgrade your IT systems? Lucid Systems can help businesses understand when it's time for an upgrade

It’s always tempting to delay purchasing new equipment because new computers and laptops are expensive, but unlike other forms of technology, they aren’t built to last a lifetime. Typically, most desktop computers will run for approximately five years; whilst a laptop (even a high-spec one) will likely only last three to four years.

Computer software is updated regularly so you need to feel confident that your IT equipment can benefit from the latest updates and patch fixes. Often, older machines are simply unable to cope with the latest updates and this can lead to slower performance or they could start to crash regularly.

From a business perspective, you simply cannot afford for your staff to sit inactive whilst waiting for a computer to reboot itself or recover from a crash. If you notice that you or your employees are increasingly having to wait for your computer or laptop to restart you may find that taking the decision to invest in a new device will provide you with a swift return on investment as productivity quickly increases.

Working with our clients to prevent computer crashes

We work closely with clients in Ipswich, Colchester, Norwich, and London to proactively identify any potential technical issues and prevent any time lost as a result of a computer crash.

As well as ensuring that our clients have the latest updates installed and anti-virus/malware protection, we also proactively monitor the lifespan of your devices. Therefore, if we know that your existing computers or laptops will be imminently reaching the end of life, we’ll work with you to identify cost-effective solutions which will ensure that you are kept up and running with minimal disruption.

To find out more about how we work with businesses across Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex please get in touch.


Jamie Pope

Service Director